Sunday, October 12, 2008

Personal Battles

I believe that a lot of the stories we have read deal with a personal battle. In the "Obsolete Man" both Wordsworth and the Chancellor had to deal with a personal battle. Wordsworth had to decide to become either a conformist and live or be free of mind and die. The chancellor had the same dilemma as Wordsworth but he didn't win his battle. He ended up turning against his ideals to save his life but in the end was killed for it. Christina had personal battle with herself. When the Korean guy started messing with Christina had to decide how to deal with him. She didn't want him messing with her but he caused her to be noticed and gave her a sense mysteriousness. You could say that the narrator of the "The Indian Uprising" was also dealing with a personal battle of some sort. It is unclear of what the personal battle was but from the symbolism and string of consciousness you could tell that some kind of personal battle was taking place. Thats probably the reason why the author wrote the story the way he did. It gives the conscious side of a personal battle. The side that constantly flows from one image to another and if written down would be hard to comprehend. Many of the other stories had some sort of personal battle. Its possible that both modernistic and post-modernistic views lead to some sort of personal battle.

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